Woman with sinus tooth pain

Can Sinus Pressure Cause Tooth Pain?

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Sinusitis, or a sinus infection, is known to cause pain, inflammation, nasal congestion and discharge, throat irritations, headaches, and other symptoms. The pain that sinusitis causes is not usually restricted to just the nose. In fact, sinus tooth pain is very common, as well as pain around the eyes, across the forehead, and in the upper jaws. This article will look at whether sinus pressure can cause tooth pain, describe what a sinus toothache is and why it occurs. It will also address how to find sinus toothache relief, addressing the symptoms of pain until the infection clears up with treatment.

The Connection Between Sinus Headaches and Teeth

Sinusitis is an inflammation of the nasal passages and can develop after having a cold that doesn’t go away in at least two weeks. This type of infection often starts in the maxillary sinuses, which can be found just over the roots of the molar teeth. Swelling in this area puts extra pressure on the nerve endings in the teeth, resulting in a sinus toothache.2
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What Does a Sinus Toothache Feel Like?

Sinus tooth pain is typically felt in the upper back teeth rather than the lower ones,2 and it usually feels like a dull ache. Sinus tooth pain is also often accompanied by a stuffy or runny nose, fever, sore throat, cough, headache, and earache. On the other hand, pain in the upper teeth can also be caused by an abscess. However, an abscess will normally be accompanied by redness in the gums and a foul taste the mouth instead.

How Sinus Tooth Pain Occurs

When fluid builds up inside the sinus cavities, additional pressure is put on the upper teeth. This is how sinus tooth pain occurs, and it often comes on suddenly. Sinus tooth pain on one side or both sides can even occur with a very severe head cold as well, even if a true sinus infection doesn’t exist. It’s easy to confuse sinus tooth pain with other types of tooth pain, however. Any tooth pain that does not subside as the other sinus infection symptoms do should be looked at by a medical professional.1,2

How to Find Sinus Toothache Relief

Fortunately, there are quite a few ways that people with sinus pain can find sinus toothache relief. It is also recommended to drink lots of fluids and take hot showers to loosen up congestion that is contributing to the pain. Over-the-counter expectorants are designed to aide the body in clearing mucous and relieve pressure in the head. This may help the teeth feel less painful as well.1 Some people who experience chronic sinus infections swear by eating spicy foods to help thin out mucous naturally. It may sound a bit silly, but humming has been linked to reducing sinus pain because of the natural and soothing vibrations it causes in the face. When its time to sleep for the night, prop the head up with pillows to encourage better drainage. Sinus tooth pain will usually go away within a few days, so if it doesn’t, this is time to see a dentist to determine whether cavities, abscesses, tooth grinding, or periodontal disease are to blame instead. Vanquish® is indicated for tension headaches. If you have a cluster headache, sinus headache, migraine headache or any other type of headache you may want to consult a doctor.
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References for Can Sinus Pressure Cause Tooth Pain

  1. Carr, Alan. Mayo Clinic. Sinus infection and toothache: Any connection? Retrieved on September 5, 2019 from https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/acute-sinusitis/expert-answers/toothache/faq-20058299
  2. Healthy Women. Sinusitis. Retrieved on August 24, 2019 from https://www.healthywomen.org/condition/sinusitis
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